About Us


By closely following the developments in the world since the day it started its operations in 1986, it has successfully implemented and continues to implement the works listed below under the main headings in line with its founding purpose, both at home and abroad.

Tek-İmaş aims to provide “Careful, Safe, Stable and Timely” service.

  • Construction Works
  • Landscape Works and Forest Afforestation
  • Energy
  • Health
  • It provides services in areas such as agriculture.

    We shape the future with our projects and add value to your life with innovative solutions!


    It is an organization that has come to this day successfully with its determination, aiming for "Careful, Safe, Stable and On-Time" service.
    Our Activities
    Our Quality Policy
    Our Quality Certificates

    Üst Yapı İnşaatları ;

  • University Dormitory and Education Building Constructions
  • Hospital Constructions (Turnkey)
  • Factory Constructions
  • Power Plant Constructions
  • Infrastructure Constructions;

  • Road constructions
  • Natural Gas Pipeline Constructions
  • Sewage, Rainwater and Drinking Water
  • Construction of Lines
  • Construction of Hydroelectric Power Plants, Ponds and Water Structures
  • River Improvements and Drainage Canal Constructions
  • Landscape Works and Forest Afforestation;

  • Project planning
  • Highway Landscape Construction
  • Land Adjustment
  • Sports Facility Landscape Applications
  • Seedling Cultivation and Afforestation

  • Build, Operate, Transfer Hydroelectric Power Plant Investments, (Göksu HEPP)
  • Health

  • Turnkey healthcare facilities (Hospitals, Laboratories, Clinics, Dialysis Centers)
  • Hospital management
  • Medical
  • Supply, sales, installation and maintenance of medical equipment, consumables and devices

  • To increase our competitive power in domestic and international markets by reaching our customers with reasonable costs and superior quality levels.
  • With the awareness of our sector, using all kinds of technology in today's conditions, to carry out the works we have undertaken on time and in accordance with the projects.
  • To produce in accordance with customer specifications, national and international standards, and to keep customer satisfaction at the highest level,
  • To continuously improve the performance of the processes at every stage of the construction and support processes by providing the necessary resources, with the participation of people working on behalf of the organization, towards the effectiveness and development of the system,
  • To provide training to personnel and create awareness of the necessity of teamwork in order to increase quality, efficiency and profit.
  • To ensure that system targets are communicated to employees, clearly understood and that communication channels are kept open,
  • To review working conditions frequently and take measures on issues that are problematic, to provide resources for these measures, to review the policy according to changing conditions,

  • In our infrastructure, superstructure, landscaping and office activities;
  • To continuously improve our environmental performance by keeping environmental aspects and environmental activities under control,
  • To eliminate the elements that will harm the environment, to create continuous and effective environmental awareness, to continue our education and inspection activities without interruption,
  • To strictly comply with the legal regulations in force regarding environmental health,
  • To use methods that reduce the consumption of natural resources in our activities,
  • To popularize reuse and recycling methods,

  • In our infrastructure, superstructure, landscaping and office activities;
  • İş kazası sonucu yaralanmaların ve faaliyetler sırasında oluşabilecek meslek hastalıklarının önlenebilmesi veya azaltılması için tüm personelin bilinçlendirilmesi için eğitimler yapmak
  • Personelin tam katılımını sağlamak ve Üst Yönetim olarak risk değerlendirmesini yaparak şantiye ve ofis ortamındaki güvensiz durumları ve güvensiz hareketleri ortadan kaldırmak veya en aza indirmek
  • İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği konularında Şirketin tabi olduğu yerel ve uluslararası mevzuata uyumlu çalışmak, kuruluş adına çalışan kişilerin, ziyaretçilerinin ve komşularının TEK-İMAŞ faaliyetleri nedeniyle maruz kalabilecekleri tehlike ve riskleri en aza indirmek,
  • Kuruluş adına çalışan kişilere sağlıklı ve emniyetli bir çalışma ortamı sağlamak
  • İş sağlığı ve güvenliği ile ilgili uygulamaları sürekli gözden geçirip iyileştirmeler yapmak
  • Hem doğrudan şirket personelinin hem de faydalanılan taşeron çalışanlarının bireysel İSG sorumluluklarının farkında olmalarını sağlamak amacıyla eğitimler vermek
  • Faaliyetlerimizde kalite, çevre ve isg hedefleri belirlemek ve bu hedeflere ulaşılmasını değerlendirmek
  • Tedarikçilerimizin de kalite, çevre ve iş sağlığı/güvenliği konularında sorumlu ve duyarlı kuruluşlar olmalarını teşvik etmek temel ilkelerimizdir.
  • iso 9001
    iso 14001
    iso 45001